Full-Stack Developer

Manos Nitis

I'm a full-stack developer passionate about crafting innovative digital experiences.
With 2 years of experience and a degree from Hellenic Mediterranean University in Software Engineering. With a diverse skill set and experience in mobile and web application development.

About me

Welcome to my creative journey. My work as a full-stack developer is a testament to my commitment to bringing ideas to life, where every line of code becomes a stroke in the canvas of innovation.

I find inspiration in the seamless integration of technology and creativity, whether through the dynamic functionalities of React, and Angular, the elegance of cross-platform mobile apps with Flutter and React Native, or the robust backend solutions with Node.js. My passion for transforming concepts into functional, engaging applications drives me to continually push the boundaries of what's possible in digital experiences.

If you're curious to dive deeper into my work, you can follow me:

Work experience

Software Engineer
Cyberlogic, Greece, Heraklion
May 2024 - Present

I focus on developing dynamic and responsive web applications using Angular and Next.js. I utilize Tailwind CSS and Bootstrap to create elegant and user-friendly interfaces. My work involves collaborating with cross-functional teams to design, develop, and maintain web applications that enhance the travel industry's digital experience, ensuring seamless integration and optimal performance for end-users. By leveraging my expertise in these technologies, I contribute to building robust solutions that align with Cyberlogic's mission of revolutionizing the travel supply chain through innovative technology.

Full-Stack Developer
Freelance, Greece, Heraklion
Sep 2022 - Present

I leverage my extensive skill set to deliver comprehensive solutions for my clients. Using JavaScript and TypeScript, I build dynamic web applications with React, NextJS, and RemixJS, enhanced by state management through Redux. For mobile development, I create seamless cross-platform experiences with Flutter and React Native. On the backend, I utilize NodeJS, ExpressJS, and NestJS to develop robust APIs and microservices, integrating databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Neo4j, and Firebase. My expertise extends to using Prisma, Mongoose, and Sequelize for efficient data handling and implementing responsive designs with TailwindCSS, Bootstrap, NextUI, and ShadcnUI.

Research and Informatics Private
Greek Army, Greece, Heraklion
Nov 2023 - May 2024

I oversaw server management across the entire camp, ensuring optimal performance and reliability of critical systems. I promptly addressed technical issues within the camp's network to maintain seamless connectivity and communication. Additionally, I provided expert repair services for computers experiencing software or hardware issues, significantly contributing to the operational efficiency of personnel. My proactive approach ensured that all technological resources remained functional and effective, supporting the camp's overall mission.

Software Engineer - Internship
iSTLab (Interactive Software Technologies & System Engineering Laboratory), Greece, Heraklion
Oct 2022 - Oct 2023

During my internship at iSTLab, I specialized in graph database data modeling, contributing to cutting-edge research initiatives. I applied advanced data modeling techniques to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of graph database implementations, demonstrating proficiency in Neo4j. Additionally, I gained hands-on experience with modern frameworks such as React and Node.js, further broadening my technical skill set and practical knowledge in contemporary software development practices.


Bachelor of Science - Software Engineering
Hellenic Mediterranean University
2016 - 2023


Discover the proficiencies that allow me to bring imagination to life through software development.







React Native









Crafting Digital Experiences

Embark on a journey that transcends code, delving into the heart of innovation. Explore my portfolio, where technical expertise and creativity unite to develop captivating digital experiences.

Project 1:
Online Fitness Coaching Platform for FitCoach


Developed a comprehensive online fitness coaching platform for FitCoach, aimed at providing personalized workout and nutrition plans. The platform's goal was to offer users a tailored fitness experience that they can access from any device, helping them achieve their health and fitness goals efficiently.


Collaborated with a UI/UX product designer who implemented the Figma prototype, and I handled the handoff to develop the final application. Utilized RemixJS, Tailwind CSS, and Framer Motion for the front-end to create a seamless and engaging user experience. On the backend, I implemented StrapiJS to manage content and user data effectively. This involved designing a responsive interface, incorporating dynamic animations for an interactive feel, and ensuring robust data management to support personalized fitness plans. Worked closely with fitness experts to integrate customized workout and nutrition guidance, enhancing user satisfaction and engagement.

Project 2:
Growth Marketing Platform for 2ence


Developed a robust growth marketing platform for 2ence, designed to drive business growth through data-driven strategies and innovative marketing solutions. The platform aims to optimize business expansion strategies across various industries and markets.


Collaborated with a UI/UX product designer who implemented the Figma prototype, and I handled the handoff to develop the final application. Led the development of the platform using NextJS, TailwindCSS, Framer Motion, and ThreeJS to create an engaging and interactive user experience. Designed a responsive interface with TailwindCSS and integrated dynamic animations using Framer Motion. Utilized ThreeJS to add advanced 3D visualizations, enhancing overall user interaction. Implemented the backend with NextJS, ensuring efficient data management and seamless content integration. This collaborative effort resulted in a comprehensive platform that empowers businesses to optimize their marketing efforts, increase revenue, and scale effectively.

Project 3:
Analyzing Large-Scale Data with Neo4j in Healthcare


Conducted comprehensive research at the intersection of Medical Informatics and graph database technology for my Bachelor's thesis. The project explored the application of Neo4j in healthcare analytics to enhance patient data analysis and exploration.


Led the research and development process, focusing on data collection, preprocessing, database implementation, and advanced querying techniques. Developed a Neo4j graph database, including database creation, configuration, data loading, and graph construction using Cypher queries. This project aimed to demonstrate the potential of graph databases in improving healthcare data management and analytical capabilities, providing deeper insights into patient data and facilitating better healthcare outcomes.

Let's create together

Ready to turn your ideas into innovative digital experiences?